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Shows: Astronomy
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The best of both worlds: an astronomer-led night sky curriculum linked show followed by a 360˚ film. Available with all performances…
Length: 30-45mins

2015 Year of Light
Visible or invisible, light is everywhere. Light creates moods and emotions…

A Glorious Dawn
A Glorious Dawn A planetarium adaptation by students of A Glorious Dawn, the stirring short remix from Symphony of Science based on Carl Sagan’s Cosmos. In Cosmos Sagan forsees a wonderful future for the human

A Tale of Scale
A Tale of Scale is a delightful short feature in the format of a poem. This show is about the size comparison of Planets and Stars. This show achieves a

Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity
A journey of discovery from the Pantheon to the Library of Alexandria to the streets of Leptis…
Length: 21mins

An Incredible Introduction to the Solar System
We present a lovely experience of our Solar System specially created for young audiences. It is perfectly timed to engage children and give about the right amount of knowledge with

Arabian Stars
Ramadhan Moon Our highly acclaimed and popular ‘Islamic Astronomy’ show, presented by one of the UK’s most experienced astronomers. This lively interactive show, goes back in time to the lands

Art – Science – Wonder
Lift off the planet in your imagination and head straight for the Pillars of…
Length: 6mins

Astralis is about the life cycle of Stars. From the birth of Star in a stellar nursery to its journey towards a black hole or supernova, we’ve explained the phenomenon

The exploration of space is the greatest endeavour that humankind has ever undertaken. What does it take to be part of this incredible journey? What…
Length: 23mins

Astronomy – 3000 Years of Stargazing
A tour of the major astronomical milestones of the last 3,000 years – from the cosmological models of antiquity, to the Ptolemaic system of…
Length: 32mins

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014
The Royal Observatory Greenwich proudly presents selected images of the Astronomy Photographer of…
Length: 12mins

One of the most asked questions about the Universe is “How big is it?” and that’s one of the hardest to…
Length: 23mins

Bizarre Moons
Our Moon is the most prominent & special companion in Earth’s night sky. It was year 1610, when Simon Marius & Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter’s four large satellites, bringing the

Chronicle of a Journey to Earth
Travel to a unique planet — to call your home! Imagine that you are a traveller from the depths of interstellar…
Length: 20mins

Clockwork Skies
Explore the motions of the stars, Sun, Moon and planets across the sky. Are they moving, or are we…
Length: 5mins

Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
Discover spectroscopy, the science of light, and learn how scientists study the Universe by…
Length: 28mins

A 360˚ film that explains and explores the nature of dark matter, the missing 80% of the mass of the…
Length: 20mins

Dawn of the Space Age
A spellbinding account of humanity’s first attempts to leave planet Earth: from the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik, to the…
Length: 30 & 41mins

Distant Worlds – Alien Life?
The night sky is effectively a view of infinity; could alien life exist out there somewhere? This film…
Length: 51mins

Dynamic Earth
Stunning 360° film exploring the inner workings of global climate, using rich visualisations based on…
Length: 24mins

Earth’s Wild Ride
Imagine that the Earth was a distant place that you once called home but could never visit again. What would you remember most about the planet, and how would you

Eclipse: The Path of Totality
Relive the eclipse of April 8th, 2024, in the heart of the Coahila desert, at Cuatro Cienegas.
Length: 25 minutes

Europe to the Stars
Europe to the Stars Europe to the Stars takes the viewer on an epic journey behind the scenes at the most productive ground-based observatory in the world, revealing the science,

Extrasolar Planets
We live on a small planet revolving around a star similar in size, luminosity and location in the galaxy as countless others….
Length: 30mins

Forward to the Moon
FORWARD! To the Moon Kari Byron from Crash Test World and MythBusters launches us on a journey beyond the Earth towards a sustainable future in space. NASA’s 21st century Artemis

From Earth to the Universe
The night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as…
Length: 30mins

A brief introduction to the immense collections of stars called galaxies. Learn how clues about the nature of galaxies (‘milky objects’)…
Length: 14mins

Great Planet Adventures
With muscles and bones built for Earth, you’d be a superstar on the Solar System’s low-gravity worlds. Imagine bungee jumping into Space from an…
Length: 11 & 17 & 22mins

IBEX: Search for the Edge of the Solar System
Join scientists who are investigating the boundary between our Solar System and the rest of our galaxy in…
Length: 27mins

Indian Vedic astronomy
A presenter-led show looking at the night sky from Indian Vedic culture. Witness the skies above India and learn about the Gods that move across the skies through the 12

Journey to a Billion Suns
The immense distances between objects in space were not understood for ages and our Milky Way was a profound mystery…
Length: 30 & 45mins

Journey To Infinity
Take a breathtaking journey from the UK to the edge of the Solar System and beyond…
Length: 10mins

Journey to the Centre of the Milky Way
Embark on a journey to the centre of the Milky Way and during seven minutes travel faster than light, from…
Length: 7mins

Light Echoes
Cosmic art created by dying stars: 12 echoes of light from dramatic explosions in deep space…
Length: 5mins

Little ABC
A set of three short 7-min immersive films addressing Light, Clouds and Meteorites. Aimed at children 3-7 years old…
Length: 3 x 7mins

Live Astronomer Show: Early Years / Reception
Simple, ability appropriate presenter-led tour of the night sky, beginning with sunset…
Length: 15mins

Live Astronomer Show: KS1 (Seasonal changes)
Introduction to the current night sky, touching on the topic Seasonal changes (Year 1) of the 2014 Science…
Length: 25mins

Live Astronomer Show: KS2 (Earth & Space and Light)
Introduction to the current night sky, Topics covered: Day/Night, Seasons, Moon Phases, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Solar System Structure and…
Length: 45mins

Live Astronomer Show: KS4 (gcse)
Key Stage 4 GCSE syllabus linked astronomer show, delivered by a teaching…
Length: 90mins

Live Astronomer Show: SEN/PMLD (All Ages)
Our award winning live astronomer show, suitable for all special and complex needs. SEN, SLD, PMLD…
Length: 15mins

Losing The Dark
Starry skies are a vanishing treasure because light pollution is erasing our view of the Universe. Such pollution…
Length: 6mins

MAGNETISM demonstrates how the Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from energetic particles from the Sun and galaxy, and how the magnetic…

Map to the Chocolate Planet
Two alien kids in some other Galaxy got the taste of Chocolate. In search of some imaginary planet made of chocolate, they traveled the Universe, eventually arriving at our Milky

Mars – The Answers Are On Their Way
What happened to Mars? Where did the water go? Was there once life on this red world? Could there still be life somewhere…
Length: 23mins

Mayan Prophecies
Visit the classic Mayan cities to discover how the Maya aligned their temples to watch their sky gods and…
Length: 26mins

MUSICA – Why is the Universe Beautiful?
Superbly visual 360° film presenting the idea that art, music, mathematics and physics are fundamentally related…
Length: 26mins

New Horizons for a Little Planet
A light-hearted introduction to the New Horizons mission which flew past Pluto in 2015…
Length: 5mins

Once upon the Big Bang
The Big Bang Theory is one of the leading explanations of how the universe came into existence. The universe as we know it, started with a singularity, inflating over the

Out There: The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds
Out There: The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds Out There — The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds tells the story of how human curiosity has driven us to look outwards for millennia,

Phantom of the Universe
Phantom of the Universe Presenting a new full-dome planetarium show: Phantom of the Universe: The Hunt for Dark Matter, with narration by Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton and sound by

PLANETS – a Journey through the Solar System
PLANETS – a Journey through the Solar System Discover the fascinating landscapes of our Solar System. Glide over the landforms of Mars, soar over the clouds of Jupiter and dive

Pop Culture Astronomy (KS2 – KS5)
Live, curriculum-linked show based on the astronomy of Harry Potter, Dr Who, Star Trek, Marvel Comics, etc…
Length: 10-15mins

Pursuing the Dwarfs
The categorisation of Dwarf Planets splits the world into two parts: one that loved Pluto as planet and the others who preferred simpler cataloging of celestial bodies. Dwarf planets are

S.E.T.I – Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The prospect that we may not be alone in the Universe is taken as a fact in films, by writers and a great many scientists…
Length: 25mins

Seeing! A photon’s journey across space, time and mind
Seeing! A photon’s journey across space, time and mind Follow the journey of a single photon as it is produced in a distant star, before travelling across the vast expanse

Shining Light on the Stars – the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
One of the most powerful tools in astrophysics is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, describing the…
Length: 16mins

Sizing Up Space
How big is the distance between the Earth and the Sun – or between the Sun and the other planets?…
Length: 13mins

Solar Quest
A thrilling 10-min field trip to our nearest star the Sun…
Length: 10mins

Space Shapes
What’s the difference between a sphere and a disc? A ball and a pancake? Lift off in a rocket and find out!…
Length: 9mins

Explore the intimate and complex relationship between natural elements and living beings.
Length: 30/40 minutes

Stars of the Pharaohs
Travel to ancient Egypt to see how science was used to tell time, make a workable calendar, and align huge buildings.
Length: 30-36mins

Sunshine is a lovable cartoon Sun – and he doesn’t care if children get loud or excited: in fact…
Length: 14mins

Discover the wonders of our Sun. Our local star’s incredible energy has supported life…
Length: 20mins

Supernovas Company
A cosmic tragicomedy for older children and adults. The script is written in verse, featuring astrophysicist Kurioseo Kuirosei…
Length: 20mins

The Birth of the Solar System
How did our solar system originate? What chain of events led to its creation? Just as detectives look for traces of evidence to solve a…
Length: 22mins

The Christmas Story
This fulldome show is about the traditional picture book of the Christmas Story, offering a wonderful experience for children and adults in the Planetarium. It brings the traditional Christmas Story

The Dark Matter Mystery
What holds galaxies together? What are the building blocks of the Universe? Why does the…
Length: 38mins

The Hot and Energetic Universe
High-energy astrophysics plays a key role in understanding the Universe and it’s hot and violent nature. The hot gas…
Length: 29mins

The Incredible Sun
Every second the Sun emits a million times more energy than the world consumes in a year. How does the Sun make such vast amounts of…
Length: 11mins

The Scientific Alphabet
7-minute soundbites of scientific information communicated with stunning 360˚ visuals…
Length: 3 x 7mins

Two eclipses cross the US in 2023 and 2024 – an annular on October 14, 2023 and a total eclipse on April 8, 2024! Everyone in the continental US will

Touching the Edge of the Universe
Experience a new view of the Cosmos with live actors and stunning graphics, filmed at various ESA…
Length: 45mins

Two Small Pieces of Glass
A film about two students as they interact with a female astronomer at a local star party…
Length: 24mins

Unveiling the Invisible Universe
Unveiling the Invisible Universe For thousands of years the humans observed the light coming from the night sky with their eyes. In the beginning of the 17th century, the invention

Voyager – Interstellar Mission
The mission objective of the Voyager Interstellar Mission (VIM) is to extend the NASA exploration of the solar system beyond the neighborhood of the…
Length: 5mins

We Are Aliens
Join scientists in the hunt for real aliens. How do we know which planets could harbour life? What are the requirements for…
Length: 25mins

We Are Astronomers
Do you know what an astronomer does? Today’s astronomer is not the lone observer of past centuries….
Length: 25mins

We Are Stars
An exhilarating journey through time and space in search of our origins. Where did the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies…
Length: 26mins