categories: All Shows • Astronomy • Biology • Chemistry • Festivals • Geography/Geology • History • Mathematics • Paleontology • Physics • 360°Entertainment
Shows: Mathematics

The best of both worlds: an astronomer-led night sky curriculum linked show followed by a 360˚ film. Available with all performances…
Length: 30-45mins

Escher’s Universe
Unusual shapes, 3D constructs, dual worlds, unreal buildings and impossible continuities are revealed in this unique…
Length: 26mins

Fractal Explorations
Fractals are a relatively new branch of mathematics that blossomed after the appearance of…
Length: 35mins

Fractals are never-ending patterns made from algebraic equations. Animated in 360˚ they take you on dazzling journeys in and out of infinity….
Length: 25mins

MUSICA – Why is the Universe Beautiful?
Superbly visual 360° film presenting the idea that art, music, mathematics and physics are fundamentally related…
Length: 26mins