Eclipse: The Path of Totality

Alexia in a boat on the ocean.

Eclipse: The Path of Totality

Eclipse: The Path of Totality is an immersive visual, theoretical, and sound experience that allows us to relive the eclipse of April 8th, 2024, in the heart of the Coahila desert, at Cuatro Cienegas.

Both an immersive documentary and post spiritual experience, this work invites us, through a ceremony and a narrative space, to question the historical and current significance of these phenomena and their temporality. The landscapes emerge as a character, inspiring everyone to aspire for a more sensible and sustainable relationship to Earth and living beings. Reminding the viewers that we are only ephemeral travellers in this material world.

Film Type

Ages 5+
Length: 25 minutes

Coming in June 2025. Available for pre-order. 

Watch the teaser below…